The Ginn Family Blog

This is our gift to our friends and family - a journey of our babies Maizy Ruth and Nathanael Thomas, as they grow physically, emotionally and spiritually!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Celebrating Sukkot in a REAL Sukah with our Israeli friends on Shabat!

Maizy Ruth swimming - she is amazing!

She made a mask out of her play dough - all on her own - mommy was very impressed!

My happy boy!

He's laughing in this pic - its the greatest sound!

Nathanael Thomas is 4 months old, Can you believe it?!!!! Time has flown by and I find myself saying that statement over and over again! He went to his well baby check up and he is 16 lbs!!!!! His Doctor says that he is doing great and growing at an amazing rate! Nathan is a VERY GOOD BABY, he is so content. He has the most beautiful smile and he smiles ALL THE TIME. Having a little boy is so different than having a baby girl! G-d has shown me things about Himself ,through the birth of my son, that has transformed my (mommy's) heart. Nathan has a gentle and still spirit - the heart of a man who, I know, one day will be a world changer and a banner carrier or Israel! G-d has become much more alive to me through my children, it's amazing how HE works! Nathan is very social and strong. He loves to laugh and play games with those around him!

Maizy Ruth is getting smarter by the day - what a blessing she is to us!!!!!! She is soo funny and animated that sometimes we are tempted to make an actress out of her. Maizy loves being a big sister, but she wants everyone to remember that she is the BIG sister ( : Her vocabulary would blow you away and she is amazing when it comes to word problem solving! Her laughter lightens a room up and her growing knowledge of Jesus is heart melting! I am looking forward to the holidays as she will discover the joy of celebrating! Maizy and daddy have a very sweet relationship and mommy is so proud to see that come alive! She just finished her third round of swimming - and she is a true pro!!!! There is a part of me that is very sad that she is growing up so fast, but a bigger part of me that is looking forward to the amazing things G-d has for her!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

You can't tell me that he is not the cutest boy you have ever seen! WE are representing the goods - Penn State!!!!!!!!

Sweet baby - at rest - asleep!
When so they become so grown up - this is her being, "mommy"! Too grown up - its scary!

Big boy holding onto his book!

Big boy - just keeps growing, wish I could stop time!