The Ginn Family Blog

This is our gift to our friends and family - a journey of our babies Maizy Ruth and Nathanael Thomas, as they grow physically, emotionally and spiritually!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Silly guys!!!!

Sweet buddy!

Playing in the leaves at Grandma and Grandpa's house - she had a blast!

Checkin' out all the presents wondering which ones are his!

Opening her stocking from Grandma and Granpa Ginn!

Maizy and Nathanael loved having time with Uncle Joe and Auntie Kim!
Uncle Jason readin us the Christmas story - it was sooo sweet!

Now this is true love - what an amazing grandpa to let his little princess paint his nails!

Check out this face - it is priceless!

Nathanael loving his new toy from Grandma and Grandpa!

Maizy and her amazing Uncle Joe!

Uncle Joe making a Sooners fan out of Nathan!
Maizy and Nathanael with their wonderful Auntie Kim

Oklahoma family minus Jason - but we are working on it!

Maizy making cookies with Grandma Judy!

Hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa Ginn's house before we have to go back home. We had a great time celebrating Christmas together!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

This is probably one of my (mommy's) favorite pics - it is sweet to me!

AHHHHH...Christmas at Grammy and Papa's, we spent the night on Christmas Eve at their house and woke up there ready to eat a wonderful breakfast, hear the Christmas story and open gifts. It was a very special Christmas - we are truly blessed!

This wrapping paper on this gift is very special - my mom use to wrap my gifts when I washer age and my mom saved a little bit of it for a day that she would have grand babies! The wrapping paper has a nativity scene on it and on Maizy's package was a beautiful glass nativity ornament for Maizy to have for her tree!

Just a few of Grammy's gorgeous packages - it's another way she says. "I value you" to us!

This was a huge highlight of our Christmas - she LOVESSSSSSS her horsey! I have never seen such joy on my little girl's face! Papa and Grammy ventured out to get her a horse similar to the one I had as a little girl - this is it -well her's is much safer!

Nathan and Daddy opening Nathan's first Christmas gifts - he was pretty into it!